
Sandblast Media Abrasives - Glass Beads

SKU: TG403


Sold in multiples of 1

  • All abrasives are sold in 50-lb. bags
  • Other grades of abrasives also available
  • Steel grit and steel bead also available; A popular media used primarily for dimensionally sensitive applications where tolerance and finish are your main concerns. Perfect for re-moving medium to light contamination without causing dimensional change, over stressing, imbedding or pitting. Used widely by automotive rebuilders, die and mold makers in the plating and aerospace industries. ; Applications:; Fine: Good for cleaning light contamination and wherever a fine surface finish is desired

Price CAD: $70.10

Shipping Weight (lbs): 50.65

Image This is a special order item. You require a minimum combined total of $150.00 of any of these items in order to check out.

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