Time Timer MOD Analog Timer


MFG: Time Timer

Sold in multiples of 1

The Time Timer MOD® is a 60-minute visual timer that has the style and durability of the Time Timer PLUS® in a size that's portable and easy to use anywhere-from your office desk to the kitchen counter. The MOD features a removable, silicone case that offers an extra layer of protection from the bumps and falls that are part of everyday life. Available in Charcoal Gray, Lime Green, or Sky Blue cover, there's a color for every style. For the pink lovers, get the Berry cover for your Time Timer MOD separately. The MOD also sports a clear lens over the red disk to protect the disk from sticky or curious fingers. The MOD is a great tool for managing at home schedules for children. Children and adults alike can benefit from this educational tool. Want to change your MOD based on the mood, style, or task? Pick out some Extra Silicone Cases to add some fun and functionality!

Time Timer MOD Analog Timer - 1 Hour - For Room - Lime Green

Out Of Stock

Price CAD: $26.83

Shipping Weight (lbs): 0.398

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